For the book lovers

For the book lovers among us, here are a few of my RDI® related favorites. If you’re new to RDI® or interested in learning more before taking the leap, you can expand your understanding of RDI® principles with a few of these great titles. (For the record, I am not an affiliate of Amazon or anyone else, I just love great books!) Hope you enjoy these RDI® related recommendations.

The RDI® Book: Forging New Pathways for Autism, Asperger's and PDD with the Relationship Development Intervention Program by Steven E. Gutstein, PhD

Written by RDI® founder, Dr. Steve Gutstein, this book is a wonderful overview of the unique RDI® perspective on autism and intervention. It’s been translated into both Spanish and Polish. Required reading for new RDI® Consultants-In-Training, I recommend it for parents and practitioners alike, and for anyone who would like to deepen their understanding of RDI®.

My Baby Can Dance: Stories of Autism, Asperger's and Sucess through the Relationship Development Intervention Program edited by Steven E. Gutstein, Hannah R. Gutstein & Carlotta Baird

Now a few years old, this book continues to be offered as a Kindle e-book, and many families will be glad for the chance to read the stories of other RDI® families and consultants and to learn more about their progress and experiences on their unique journeys.

Declarative Language Handbook: Using a Thoughtful Language Style to Help Kids with Social Learning Challenges Feel Competent, Connected, and Understood, by Linda K. Murphy

A speech language pathologist and RDI® Certified Consultant, Linda brings us her wonderful perspective on this foundational construct of RDI®. The first in Linda’s two books, this language book offers families an amazing opportunity to mindfully transform their communication style at home, and offers practitioners a chance to harness the power of declarative language in their work with others.

Co-Regulation Handbook: Creating Competent, Authentic Roles for Kids with Social Learning Differences, So We All Stay Positively Connected Through the Ups and Downs of Learning by Linda K. Murphy

Linda’s second book, and perhaps my favorite, offers families the opportunity to fully understand the incredible power of co-regulation in helping parents create roles at home to promote connection and reciprocity in relationships. I just don’t think we can ever spend too much time on this foundational concept. So thankful for Linda’s work!

Maybe one of these titles will find its way to the top of your wish list. Not really much of a reader, you say? No worries, you don’t have to love books to get to know RDI®. In fact, the RDI® learning community is full of webinars and video resources. Not a member yet? You can check out the RDI® podcast “ASD, A New Perspective” free on iTunes here.


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